Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Star

Binhi sang Pagtuo

December 13, 2010

Dear Friends,


Nowadays we can see a lot of stars. We can see it atop the Christmas trees, star-shaped Christmas lights, and of course the traditional parol in the form of a star. We use the symbol of star to remember what happened in the first Christmas story.

What lessons can we learn from the Christmas star?

We must become a guide to people who are searching for Jesus; and we must continue to be seekers of Jesus. The star was the guide of the wise men who traveled from a far away place to visit Jesus.

The wise men had detractors along the way, notably King Herod, but they were persistent because the star guided them.

According to scientists, there are about 5,000 stars that can be seen by the naked eye although not all are visible at any given time or place. Modern astronomers believe that there are more than 1 x 10 to the 22 number of stars. The number is 1 followed by 22 zeros.

Among these millions of star, one star became visible to the wise men and became their guide. The account in Matthew 2:9 is that “the star they had seen in the east guided them to Bethlehem. It went ahead of them and stopped over the place where the child was.”

There are two challenges here:

Firstly, to those who have found Jesus, we must become the guide of those who continue to seek Jesus. We must be their “star” that continues to point the direction where Jesus is. Among the many “stars” let us be visible and guide those who need our help. The wise men a long time ago where filled with joy when they saw the star. We hope that a lot of people will be overjoyed because we acted as their “stars.”

Secondly, to those who are seeking Jesus, do not be in despair in your search. There will always be detractors along the way, but continue on searching because there are guides who are there for you. These guides will be your “stars” who will point you to the right direction.

May God bless us all!


Pastor Francis Neil G. Jalando-on

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