Monday, November 8, 2010

Be like a Fruit

Binhi sang Pagtuo

November 8, 2010

Dear Friends,


Last week the Philippine Baptist Men held its annual assembly at Capiz Evangelical Church, Roxas City, Capiz. Let me share to you a portion of my sermon in the Closing Celebration on the theme: “Pruned to be Fruitful” and Scripture text: John 15.

Jesus said, “I am the vine and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch that does not produce fruit and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.”

When Jesus spoke of this analogy I imagine that he was standing in the midst of a vineyard or near its vicinity and that his audience is looking at a lot of grapes. Jesus often spoke using the object lesson method of teaching. In this instance Jesus was telling his disciples that their faith must bear fruit. For our faith to be life a fruit it should be something that is tangible, attractive, tasty, and useful.

What kind of faith did the early church show that can be describe like a fruit?

First, their faith was tangible because they helped the poor. They have a food distribution center, and shared their excess wealth. It was a very attractive sight that eventually attracted the people and joined Christianity. The book of Acts tells us that thousands were added to their fold.

When was the last time that you gave a material thing to someone who is in need?

Second, their faith was attractive because they verbally shared the Gospel to the people. They did it through preaching, singing and giving testimonies.

Let us find ways to verbally express our faith. If you want to preach, then study preaching and ask your pastor for an opportunity to share the Word of God. If you do not want to preach, you can become a Bible study leader, a Sunday School teacher, a testimony giver, a liturgist, a singer or an encourager.

When was the last time that you verbally expressed your faith?

May God bless us all!


Pastor Francis Neil G. Jalando-on

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