Monday, September 27, 2010

Do not withhold good when it is within your power to act - Part 2

Binhi sang Pagtuo

September 27, 2010

Dear Friends,

Our reflection for this week is a continuation of my reflection on
Proverbs 3:27 “Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it
is in your power to act.” I already shared three things that are
within our power to share: 1. Material resources 2. Faith 3. Kind

Let me now share to you three more things.

Fourthly, it is within our power to share our wisdom.

There are many wise people who do not hesitate to share their wisdom
but still there are still a lot of people who withhold sharing their

Let us remember that when we share our wisdom, more are added to it
rather than the thinking that when we share it, our wisdom is being

Let us train second liners. Let us be happy when somebody is ready to
replace us. Let us teach disciples so that they will also become
teachers. Jesus had a public ministry of just 3 years but Christianity
is alive until because Jesus trained disciples who in turn trained

Fifthly, it is within our power to share our availability to serve.

Oftentimes we can hear a lot of excuses when serving in the church or
in the ministry is being talked about. Some of us would say, I’m still
young, I’m too old, I’m afraid, Let others do it, I’m shy, I’m busy
and many other reasons. Does this sound familiar? I hope not.

Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is
insignificant and cannot make a change. God will do wonderful things
through us when we just say, “Here I am, send me, use me in your
ministry.” We will be surprised what God will do through our lives.

Lastly, it is within our power to share our loving attitude.

Sometimes our church has become a place where people feel that that
are condemned. It is as if they would feel that they are not worthy to
come inside the church because people inside it are very accusatory.
They accuse people of their sins as if they themselves have no sins.

Let us be like Jesus who approached persons with an attitude that the
person has the capacity to do good. Like what Jesus did to the woman
accused of adultery. He went there not to condemn the woman but to
help her. He later said, “go and sin no more.” This signifies the
attitude of Jesus to give persons a chance to change their lives. This
is what the grace of God means.

May God bless us all!


Pastor Francis Neil G. Jalando-on

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