Monday, August 2, 2010

The Prayer of Jabez

Binhi sang Pagtuo

August 2, 2010

Dear Centralians and Friends,

Greetings from the campus!

Our reflection for this week is about the life of Jabez. The story of his life can be found in two verses in the Bible – 1 Chronicles 4:9-10.

Jabez is the head of a family in Judah, noted for his honorable character. The popular explanation of his name is that his mother bore him in pain.

What can we learn from the life Jabez?

First, Jabez had a good parent. His mother brought him up in the way of God.

The Bible mentioned that the mother of Jabez bore him with great pain. This verse implies that because of the great pain, his mother made a vow to train him in the right way so that she will not regret the great pain that she suffered.

I remember my mother who once scolded me, “I bore you with great pain. Now, please behave or I will return you to my womb.”

This is a big challenge to parents – to train their children in God’s way.

Second, Jabez was declared by the Bible as an honorable person.

This tells us that Jabez found favor in the eyes of God and the people. “More honorable than his brothers” does not mean that his brothers are not honorable, but Jabez was singled out because he was probably more consistent in his godly living.

How about us? What is our reputation in the community?

Third, Jabez was a prayerful person.

Our passage tells us that Jabez “cried” out to God. Crying out to God in prayer signifies how he fervently prays to God.

How is our prayer life?

What was the result of the prayer of Jabez?

God granted the prayer of Jabez. A village was named after him. It was famous as the home of scribes. This village produced a prominent clan from which came both Caleb, Joshua's colleague, and his son-in-law, Othniel, Israel's first judge. Othniel also established a school and named it after Jabez.

May God bless us all!


Pastor Francis Neil G. Jalando-on

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