Sunday, May 3, 2009


Binhi sang Pagtuo

May 4, 2009

Dear Centralians and Friends,

Greetings from the Chaplain’s Office!

Amidst the economic crisis that the world is facing, and the swine flu epidemic, let us ponder on our faith in God because as Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.”

Here is an acrostic of the word FAITH:

F – Faithful to the commands of God.

An essential ingredient of faith is to be faithful. We must be obedient to the will of God.

Noah was ridiculed – laughed upon, made fun, teased by people. The climate was hot. Rainy season was over. Learned people during that time told them that no storm was coming. They did not believe him. They thought he was crazy. In spite of this, Noah built an ark. He obeyed God. The Great Flood eventually came.

A – Allow God to work in His mysterious ways

Sarah attempted to work in behalf of God. She gave her servant Hagar to sleep with Abraham. Hagar eventually gave birth to Ishmael. Because Sarah “fast forward” the plan of God in their lives, conflict happened; a conflict that is on-going until now.

Let us not play God. Let God be God. Let us remember that if we do not allow God to have his way in our lives, disastrous things will happen.

I – Integrate your belief and your action

James is telling us that “faith without works is dead.” Meaning, a faith that is only creedal in nature – belief in one God (shema), but not shown in actual life – is not acceptable to God.

Faith should have fruits and one cannot be called faithful if he is not fruitful; Fruitfulness is the result of faithfulness.

T – Trust in God

The primary idea of faith is trust. To trust God is to recognize our helplessness. It is a confession that it is only God whom we can trust. There is nothing and no one else upon whom we can rely. Our trust must be in God alone.

H – Hope on the promises of God

Hope is what keeps the people of God going. Because we know that the best is yet to come.

Joseph dreamed of a time when the Israelites will go back to Canaan, their home. He believed that exodus will come. He left instructions to bring his bones with them. It was after 430 years that they were able to leave Egypt. That’s a very big faith for Joseph.

The Katipan Hall in Camp Higher Ground, Barotac Viejo is a testament of faith – it means “KAtumanon sang TIngob nga PAgtuo kag binuhataN.” It is now almost finished. The faith of the pastors who dreamed that this will happen is worth emulating.

How is our faith nowadays?

May God continually bless us all!


Pastor Francis Neil G. Jalando-on
Assistant Chaplain

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